Payment Information

Haslet Deferred Disposition

101 Main St.
Haslet, TX - 76052
Phone: 817-439-5931


This service allows you to submit your Deferred Disposition request and documents electronically for a nominal fee. If the court denies your request, your processing fee will not be refunded. Please submit your request carefully.

You understand that 

  • You may request to have one offense dismissed with Deferred Disposition
  • You may only make this request prior to your appearance date that was provided by the court. 
  • You must meet all eligibility requirements pertaining to Deferred Disposition
  • Deferred Disposition is a privilege offered solely at the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge.
  • If you are under 25 years of age, you understand that you must also complete a Defensive Driving Course certified by the TDLR and submit to the Court a certificate of completion within 90 days from the date of this request.

By requesting Deferred Disposition here, you swear the following statements are true:

  • You waive your right to trial and enter your plea of no contest. You were charged with an offense eligible for Deferred Disposition and have verified this fact with the Court.
  • You were not charged with speeding in excess 24 miles per hour above the posted speed limit.
  • You do not possess a commercial driver’s license in any state.
  • You have not had probation for dismissal of a traffic citation within the twelve (12) month period prior to the issue date of your citation. You are not currently on probation for any citation in any other Court.
  • After receiving approval from the Judge, you will receive a copy of your probation order mailed to the address you provide below. You understand that you will be placed on probation for a period of 90 days. Furthermore, you understand that if you violate any term of your probation, this citation will not be dismissed and you will be set on a Show Cause docket with the possibility of this violation being reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety.
  • If you are under 25 years of age, you understand that you must also complete a Defensive Driving Course certified by the TDLR and submit to the Court a certificate of completion within 90 days from the date of this request.

Please allow 3 business days for the the Court to process your deferred request.

If you have not received an email within 3 business days, please contact the Court.

Please follow the steps below to make your payment:

1. Enter the Defendant Name
  First Name *
  Last Name *
2. Enter the citation number
  Citation Number *
3. Enter the offense you are requesting deferment
  Offense *
4. Enter the defendant contact information
  Address *
  City *
  State: *
  Zip *
  Phone *
  Email Address *
5. Upload copy of your driver's license here
  Select file(s) to upload (jpg, jpeg, png, pdf only): *
Please enter your mobile number and we will send you a one-time passcode:
Mobile number:
Total file(s) size being uploaded should not exceed more than 6 MB