This page is for Robertson Co. JP3 and not for the City of Franklin. If you have a ticket issued by the City of Franklin, click here to pay. All payments must be in full.
The following are not payable here; contact the court:
Deferred Disposition fees are payable here only if you have prior approval from the court.
Warrants and Omni cases may be paid here, however, you must first contact the court for the full amount due. Be advised that payments on warrants or OMNI may take up to 10 business days to clear through this service. If you need them cleared sooner, contact the court for other payment options.
It is the defendant's responsibility to make the payment to the right court and for the correct amount. If your payment is rejected for any reason, and/or cannot be transferred to the appropriate court, the fine amount will be refunded but the processing fee will not. Please pay carefully.
A payment has already been made for this ticket number in our system. Do you still want to submit an additional payment for this ticket number?